Ir sākusies pieteikšanās Padomes vēlēšanām
Tātad, kas tieši ir Padome
The highest decision-making body of BAT SP consists of elected representatives of students. Padome decides on the functioning of the BAT SP organisation and changes/developments in the internal environment (changes in the by-law, organisation structure, approval of financial statements, etc.) The most important task of Padome is to elect board and student representatives to the BAT decision-making bodies, which are the basis for the organisation’s activities and for the successful representation of the interests of BAT students.
Kas ir Valde
The Executive power of BAT SP, responsible for the successful organisation of the work of the organisation and its individual parts, as well as for the successful execution and implementation of Padome decisions and assigned tasks.
Applying for padome elections is really simple !
1. Tev ir jābūt BAT studentam!
2. Un jāizpilda šī anketa –
Pieteikuma anketa ir jāizpilda līdz 20. februāra pulksten 23:59.
You will be able to vote for the candidates later, using BATIS system!
Get acquainted with the Padome election regulations here -
We look forward to your applications